Saturday, October 15, 2016

Hello, World!

I've decided to start a blog.

This blog.

Why , you might ask?

You know when you a shake a Coke can and then you open it and it explode everyone? Well, that's how I feel right now. I have so many things I want to say fizzing up inside of me, but I don't have the confidence to say them out loud.

My dad once told me that I should start writing a diary. He said that keeping a diary is a great way of expressing our innermost thoughts. He also said it would be great to look back on when I was old and that is would 'really make me appreciate my teenage years'. Hmm, il's obviously been so long since he was a teenager he's forgotten what it's actually like.

I did try, though - writing a diary. I managed about three entries before I gave up. Most of them went something like this:

Rained today; my new shoes got ruined. Jenny contemplated skipping maths. She didn't. John Barry got a nosebleed in science because he poked a pencil up there. I laughed at him. He wasn't impressed. It was awkward. 'Night. 

Not exactly Bridget Jones, right? More like 'can't be bothered'.

The thought of writing stuff to myself in a diary seems a bit pointless, really.

I want to feel like someone, somewhere, will be able to read what I've got to say.

That's why I've decided to give this blog a go - so that I have somewhere I can say exactly what I want, when I want and how I want - to someone. And not have to worry that what I say won't sound cool or will make me look stupid or lose my friends.

That's why this blog is anonymous.

I'm going to say what I want to say, and it would be really cool if (whoever you might be) join me.

OK, well I guess that's all for now. Thank you for reading (if anyone actually as been reading!). And let me know what you think in the comments below.

Girl Online, going offline xxx
