Wednesday, November 30, 2016

#1 Dear Ian...

Dear Ian (this is not the real name, of course, I wouldn't put it out),

I have no idea what I have done to make the embarrassing and awkwardness we have now. I have never talked to you much and I don't know why we can't talk anymore. Seeing you in school now makes me feel lonely and it makes me feel like that I am rubbish at everything. Okay, fine, I am going to admit that I have had a crush on you the first time I met you. You were so helpful and kind to me. I remember that very vividly. In my first year in school, you would always smile and nod to me when we met, it always made my day. Once, you came up to me in the school dining hall and my friend said that I was as red as a tomato. In my second year in school, you started my year with a hug with another girl in front of me. I felt hopeless and useless, I couldn't do anything. I was filled with jealousy and anger. How dare you do it in front of me? I cried and cried that week. I swore that I would never fancy you again. And I never did. When we met in school, you always gave me the cold look that I never appreciated. I can't wait for you to leave school. Anyway, after all those sad memories, I want to say thank you for caring for me in the first year. I will always think of you, but never fancy you.


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