Sunday, November 20, 2016

Monday tomorrow?!

Monday tomorrow?! The weekend has passed so quickly! I have no idea what I have been doing! Maybe some practice and some revision... Oh wow... Time is running and it is not waiting for me! Ooops! Tomorrow is Monday which means there is school tomorrow! Yay! Oh no...please... Let's see what I have got tomorrow... Assembly...Maths...Games...Practice...French...Tutor Group... It's alright I suppose... Oh well, it has to come at some point anyway... Who should I go to breakfast with tomorrow? Hmm...Phoebe? Abbie? Jess? Should I ask them? Or should I just go on my own? You see, I always have to plan who I am going to have meals with the day before because I hate sitting on my own! It is horrible! If you are one of those people who doesn't have anyone to eat with, don't worry, me too. It sucks, I know... Well, hopefully, we will get some real friends :) Right now, I am listening to one of my favorite music---Tchaikovsky Symphony No.5! Go check it out! Wahoo! Well, I am going now, can't wait for tomorrow. I hope y'all will have a nice time in school/work!

Girl Online, going offline... xxx

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