Monday, January 9, 2017


This is sooooooooooo exciting! HI, MY NAME IS LILY AKA GIRL ONLINE!!! WELCOME TO MY BLOG!!

So, today when I was in baking club, a guy who is in my year asked his friend to ask his girlfriend (his friend's, not his) to ask me if I would go out with him (quite complicated right? I know)! Immediately, I wanted to reject him, because he was the trouble in our class and always get told off by teachers. This is the second time he has asked me out, the first time on a bus when we were on a school trip. I said no. This time, I said 'I don't know' because I didn't want to break his heart. He is actually quite a nice person but I really don't know if I want to go out with him as it would be the first time I go out with someone! I think I have made a decision now I am at this point, but I still don't know how I am going to tell him that I don't want to go out with him, please if you have any suggestions, write it in the comment below. You are probably wondering why I don't want to go out with him, of course it is not just because he always get told off by teachers. Now I am going to tell you the reasons why I don't want to go out with him:

1. My mom has warned me many times to not go out with anyone now because I am too young.
2. I know that I am too young for this as well.
3. Going out with someone now is going to affect my studies.
4. Thinking of breaking up is sad and I hate thinking about it.
5. I am not mature enough.
6. Pupils are going to tease me.

Those are the reasons, is it good enough?

This is what I have for you in this post. Girl Online, Going Offline. xxx

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