Tuesday, January 31, 2017



Once upon a time, there was a prince call David Glocken. He was a merry and charming prince of Nevertales, and was the most perfect man ever appear on this world, but he was never grateful for being the prince. He was looking very forward to his marriage in four days time.He was going to get married with Princess Hermione Corkeley, princess of Latinaland, Three days before their marriage, the princess fell ill, very ill indeed. Not even the finest doctor could find out what the disease was. All the people was anxious and nervous about their marriage. The prince, of all, was the most anxious person about this.One day, when the queen, the king, and the other royal families was outside having a walk, Prince Glocken was inside his room, lying on his bed, thinking of his princess. Suddenly, a knock came and the prince opened the door in depress. A thing in black hood and a black mask covering its face was in front of him. It did not walk on the floor. It floated. At that moment, there was a cold, icy breeze coming nowhere in to the heart of the prince. Both of them were looking hard at each other, and no one knew how to start the conversation.‘I am the Death Catcher by Lord Strawberry, I am here to tell you that I am going to take Princess Hermione’s soul in a couple of days time. Just to fulfil your curiosity, and the Lord thinks it is time that you know about your princess. Hermione was born as a witch, she saw you and fell in love with you immediately. She used the Love Potion and the Beautiful Charms made by Lord Strawberry on herself and became as beautiful as a daisy, and was in love with you. She promised to let the Lord to take her soul after you proposed to her.’

At this moment, Prince Glocken was already kneeling at the floor, crying and begging the Death Catcher not to take the soul away from the princess. Suddenly, a handful of bitter taste splatter into the prince’s eyes. It was the Death Catcher’s powder. The prince felt very light and he saw himself looking like the Death Catcher beside him. He didn’t knew what to do. ‘You are not yet a real Death Catcher, but you are going to be a real one in three days. As long as you find out the three important things of the world of the Lord’s, you and your princess will be safe again, and will live happily ever after. Or else, the princess will die and you will become poor and ugly.’ said the Death Catcher in its low, deep voice. The Death Catcher disappeared after saying it.

What happened just now? The prince was feeling funny and dizzy. He saw his family coming back from the walk and thought that they were going to be frightened about him being a Death Catcher. Unfortunately, no one bothered about him. During dinner time, he heard his family whispering in the kitchen about him being ungrateful of being a prince. He found out that he was invisible in the human beings eyes. At midnight, no one mentioned him and he felt just as invisible as he was at the moment. Prince Glocken floated to the hospital and saw Princess Hermione lying on the bed. He didn’t knew what to do, what would his life be without being rich and handsome? No girls would like her? He saw a box of fresh strawberry on the table beside the princess’s bed and ate it. Suddenly, a pain came from nowhere and Prince Glocken saw a devil with the words ‘You have found the first thing which is the most important things in the world of Lord Strawberry.’, Prince Glocken was very happy and decided to rest for a while. He slept for one and a half day and woke up by a nightmare. He was very nervous and anxious about it. He didn’t knew what to do. Prince Glocken saw his friend Prince George chatting with his mom, he floated there and heard his friend saying, ‘Prince Glocken was never grateful for being a prince.’ ‘He never loved his family, we all love him so much and care for him with all our lives, he never knew that. Oh, how I wish he knew that all of us loves him!’ his mother said with a sigh. Prince Glocken was heartbroken and said to himself, ‘I will be grateful and love and care for my family who loves me.’ After he finished the sentence, the same pain came to him again, the devil came and said to him, ‘You still have the last thing to find, you have one day to do it.’ One day more to find the last thing! What a stupid thing, I don’t care who the hell Lord Strawberry is. I just want Hermione! Prince Glocken was very sad. Where should he go and find the last thing?

12 hours went by…

12 more hours to find that last thing! Prince Glocken was floating up and down the stairs. He wanted to die, he wanted to give up. He went out the hospital and saw an old man wanting to cross a road, the old man was blind and he didn’t had a dog to accompanied him, he just had a walking stick. There was a car going to hit him immediately, Prince Glocken floated at his top speed and opened his arms as widely as possible in front of the car and BANG!!!!!

Prince Glocken was lying on a very comfortable bed and heard a lot of noise. He opened his eyes and saw his family. He wanted to jump up and hugged them but his back hurt so much. The prince was worried about the princess. His dad, the king hold his hand and help him to stand, he brought the prince to a very big room and when he opened, he saw…

He saw Princess Corkeley wearing a bride dress and looking very happy. She kissed him and he was amazed. Prince Glocken suddenly saw a devil and the death catcher he met before in front of him, ‘Congrats! You found your third thing just in time. Have a happy marriage and remember to be grateful!’ the death catcher said and both of them disappeared in the air. Prince Glocken was very happy and hugged the prince and his family and thanked them for everything. His family first was in a shock and then they lived happily ever after. No one knew why the prince was so grateful, he changed so much! But only Prince Glocken knew the real story which is the one that you just read.

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